Double Stage Gas Regulators
Gas Pressure Regulators
- Presure ClassPN5
- Inlet pressure range0,5 up to 5 bar
- Outlet pressure range12 mbar up to 35 mbar
- Flow Range6 - 10 - 15 m3/h
- Structural Additional Featureswith UPSO, with Relief Valve

- Presure ClassPN6
- Inlet pressure range0,1 up to 6 bar
- Outlet pressure range18 mbar up to 500 mbar
- Flow Range1,6 to 60 m3/h
- Structural Additional Featureswith UPSO, with OPSO, with Relief Valve

- Presure ClassPN6
- Inlet pressure range0,1 up to 6 bar
- Outlet pressure range18 mbar up to 500 mbar
- Flow Range50, 75, 100 m3/h
- Structural Additional Featureswith UPSO, with OPSO, with Relief Valve

- Presure ClassPN6
- Inlet pressure range0,1 up to 6 bar
- Outlet pressure range18 mbar up to 500 mbar
- Flow Range1,6 to 60 m3/h
- Structural Additional Featureswith UPSO, with Relief Valve